This has been a pretty crazy week. Like I said
in my last E-mail, I went to Goiânia on Monday and had to go back on Thursday
too. I do already have my visa, but I was there to pick up a piece of
paper that would be my ID while I´m here in Brazil. Most of this week was
spent in the bus or waiting at the Federal Police station in Goiânia, but I did
get to work a little! Yesterday Elder O. and I taught a lesson about
prayer to two new investigators. These two are super solid investigators,
they´re coming to church and to all of the activities too. They´re also
keeping all of their commitments like reading scriptures and praying about what
we teach them to learn from God if it is true. Missionary work gets so
much more exciting when you start to get people coming to church. Seeing
your investigators there just absolutely makes your day. Its also fun
being able to see people that I´ve found on the street start taking the
lessons, coming to church, and on the road to baptism. There´s a joy to
be found in this work that´s unlike anything else I´ve ever experienced; it´s
Before I left on my mission someone asked me how, in a
foreign country where people are usually much poorer than they are in the US, I
would go about trying to tell people that they need Jesus. I can´t
remember exactly how I responded, but even with just the little time that I´ve
had here on my mission I´ve learned how to answer that question in a much more
meaningful way. Yes, it is difficult in some way to go up to people who,
in some cases, may not even know if they will have food the next day and tell
them that I have a message for them that is worth their time. It could be
better spent, one might think, procuring food or working for some wage.
This brings to mind an event that is recorded in the New Testament. Jesus
was at a well at the same time as a certain Samaritan woman. He asked her
to fetch him water. She was somewhat surprised that a Jewish man would
even talk to her, a Samaritan, let alone ask for a favor. She responded
´´How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of
Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.´´
He said to her ´´If thou knewest the gift of God, and who
it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him,
and he would have given thee living water.´´ Her response has intrigued me
for some time. She said ´´Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the
well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?´´ I love the imagery
there. ´´Thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep.´´ In
life we have need of water to sustain the lives of our physical bodies.
Likewise, living water is a need of our spiritual bodies if we are to have
eternal life with God. The well, however, is deep, and we have nothing
with which to draw the water that we so desperately need. As Jesus
himself said, we must drink of the water thatHe gives
us. He descended below us all,
even to the bottom of the well, that he
might bear the burden that we could not and fetch for us this water. He
did not use something to draw with, for he was the vessel. The task that
he bore was greater than any other ever accomplished, but Jesus Christ did the
will of the Father and finished it.
The price of this living water is
beyond expression, a more valuable gift there simply is not. And yet, it
can be had if we simply ask. So, how can I tell the people here in Brazil
that they need Jesus, even more than they need bread and water? By helping
them realize that the bread and water that Christ offers us is of far greater
value than that which we earn by the sweat of our brow. The water that we
procure for ourselves satisfies for but a moment, but partakers of the living
water, that which only Christ can offer us, find an eternal gift that never
fades. That´s it. There isn´t some trick to it, there´s no clever
sales tactic that we employ. It simply comes down to the fact that in the
eternal scheme of things the message that we bear is more valuable than anything
else, and in it more happiness can be found than anywhere else. God is
our loving Heavenly Father. We cannot see the end from the beginning, but
he can. Trust him. He has prepared a way for us to have this living
water, and the way is through the gospel of Jesus Christ. No greater gift
has ever been given from a parent to their child or from a brother to his
siblings, and no greater expression of love can possibly be had than that of
the atonement of Jesus Christ. In his name, even Jesus Christ, I testify
of that truth. Amen.
I love you all a ton! Have a wonderful week,
tons of smiles, and great new memories! Talk to you all next week!
Logan I absolutely loved this post! I am so glad you are having these amazing experiences. Was your companion able to be with you while you were traveling last week?
Logan I absolutely loved this post! I am so glad you are having these amazing experiences. Was your companion able to be with you while you were traveling last week?