Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I'm Thankful for you!

Hey Mom!

I’ve wanted to write Thanksgiving letters to everyone in the family.  My days have been so busy that I haven’t been able to get around to it until now.  Being busy is a healthy problem, though!

We’ll I hope that you’re Thanksgiving went really well!  What did you do?  How’s your family doing?  I know that Amy & Trevor came down for “pre-Thanksgiving” too, how was that?  I wish I could have been there but Tucson, Arizona’s nice this time of year too : ) .  The ward members are super nice & we got invited to more Thanksgiving dinners that I care to count.  We ended up just going to two, but it was still fun. 

This Thanksgiving, Mom I’m thankful for …..You!  Mom, where do I even start?  You’ve been there for me literally longer than I can remember.  I’m so thankful for all that you’ve done since before I was born to help me along & provide the necessities of life.  In addition to that, you’ve done so many things just to put a smile on my face, to go the extra mile.  I remember you making cookies for us every Tuesday for “Child appreciation day.”  You made me Halloween costumes & a “rocket cake” for my birthday when we lived in Georgetown.  You’ve also been an outstanding example of Christ Like service & love to me & the rest of the family for as long as I can remember.  You drove me up the hill to seminary, school, concerts, & other activities countless times.  You helped teach me to be a safe driver, & you also taught me how to sincerely care for other people. 

I could fill volumes with all of the wonderful things that you’ve profoundly impacted my life for good.  This single page is hardly volumes, but I hope that the same message came across; I miss you & love you Mom!  Happy Holidays : )

Love,  Elder Logan Sweet

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